Gábor Székelyhidi
Department of Mathematics
Northwestern University
2033 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208
email : gaborsz at northwestern.edu
I am
interested in geometric analysis and
complex differential geometry. Much of my work is motivated by trying
to find canonical metrics, such as extremal or Kähler-Einstein
metrics on projective manifolds.
Special Metrics in Complex Geometry, May 16--20, 2022
Notre Dame Geometry & Topology RTG
Northwestern, UIC Complex Geometry Seminar
Center for Mathematics Thematic Program
on Kähler geometry, June 12 - 30, 2017
Notre Dame Geometric Analysis Seminar,
Past years
MMP and Ricci flow learning seminar
At Notre Dame
Spring 2022
Basic Complex
Analysis II
Fall 2021
Basic Complex
Analysis I
Spring 2021
Math 30650 - Differential Equations.
Fall 2020
Topics in Differential Geometry -
Kähler-Einstein metrics.
Fall 2019
office hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30-2:30pm, or by appointment.
Spring 2019
Basic Complex
Analysis II,
office hours on Mondays 1-2:30pm, or by appointment.
Fall 2018
Basic Complex Analysis I,
office hours on Wednesdays 9--10:30am, or by appointment.
Midterm: Wednesday Oct. 10
Spring 2017
Basic Complex Analysis II,
office hours on Mondays 1-2:30pm, or by appointment.
Midterm: Monday 3/6
Topics in Geometry - Computational
office hours on Wednesdays 1-2:30pm, or by appointment.
Lecture Schedule; Information on
Fall 2016
Basic Complex Analysis I,
office hours on Wednesdays 9--10:30am, or by appointment.
Midterm - Monday 10/24
Spring 2016
Fall 2015
Math 10250
Spring 2015
Honors Analysis II
Basic Complex Analysis II
Fall 2014
Honors Analysis I
Spring 2014
Symplectic Geometry - MWF
12:50-1:40, Newland Science Hall 127
Math 20550
Fall 2013
Math 10550
Spring 2013
Honors Analysis II
Linear Algebra
Fall 2012
Honors Analysis I
Spring 2011
Topics in Analysis II - Extremal metrics.
Lecture notes.
Papers, CV
- (with Y. Chen, S.-K. Chiu, M. Hallgren, T. D. Tô, F. Tong)
On Kähler-Einstein Currents
[abstract] [pdf]
We show that a general class of singular Kähler metrics with Ricci curvature
bounded below define Kähler currents. In particular the result applies to
singular Kähler-Einstein metrics on klt pairs, and an analogous result holds
for Kähler-Ricci solitons. In addition we show that if a singular Kähler-Einstein metric
can be approximated by smooth metrics on a resolution whose Ricci curvature has negative
part that is bounded uniformly in Lp for p>(2n−1)/n, then the metric defines an RCD space.
- (with Y. Li) Singularity formations in Lagrangian mean curvature flow
[abstract] [pdf]
We study singularities along the Lagrangian mean curvature flow with
tangent flows given by multiplicity one special Lagrangian cones
that are smooth away from the origin. Some results are: uniqueness
of all such tangent flows in dimension two; uniqueness in any
dimension when the link of the cone is connected; the existence of
nontrivial special Lagrangian blowup limits. We also prove a
singular version of Imagi-Joyce-dos Santos's uniqueness result of
the Lawlor neck. As an application we prove that in any dimension,
singularities that admit a tangent flow given by the union of two
transverse planes is modeled on shrinking Lawlor necks at suitable
Singular Kähler-Einstein metrics and RCD spaces
[abstract] [pdf]
We study Kähler-Einstein metrics on singular projective
varieties. We show that under an approximation property with
constant scalar curvature metrics, the metric completion of the
smooth part is a non-collapsed RCD space, and is homeomorphic to the
original variety.
Recent progress on minimal hypersurfaces with cylindrical tangent cones
Aequationes Math. 97 (2023), no. 5-6, 1083-1106.
We survey some recent results on minimal hypersurfaces in Rn+1
with cylindrical tangent cones. We discuss the question of the uniqueness of tangent cones, the behavior of certain minimal hypersurfaces with cylindrical tangent cones, and a Liouville type theorem for entire minimal hypersurfaces.
- (with N. Edelen)
A Liouville-type theorem for cylindrical cones
[abstract] [pdf]
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 77 (2024), no. 8, 3557–3580.
Suppose that C0 ⊂ Rn+1 is a smooth
strictly minimizing and strictly stable minimal hypercone, l≥0,
and M a complete embedded minimal hypersurface of Rn+1+l
lying to one side of C=C0x Rl. If the density
at infinity of M is less than twice the density of C, then we show
that M=H(λ) x Rl, where {H(λ)}λ is the Hardt-Simon foliation of C0. This extends a result of L. Simon, where an additional smallness assumption is required for the normal vector of M.
- (with J. D. Lotay, F. Schulze)
Neck pinches along the Lagrangian mean curvature flow of surfaces
[abstract] [pdf]
Let Lt be a zero Maslov, rational Lagrangian mean curvature flow in a compact Calabi-Yau surface, and suppose that at the first singular time a tangent flow is given by the static union of two transverse planes. We show that in this case the tangent flow is unique, and that the flow can be continued past the singularity as an immersed, smooth, zero Maslov, rational Lagrangian mean curvature flow. Furthermore, if L0 is a sphere that is stable in the sense of Thomas-Yau, then such a singularity cannot form.
- (with J. D. Lotay, F. Schulze)
Ancient solutions and translators of Lagrangian mean curvature flow
[abstract] [pdf]
to appear in Publ. Math. IHES
Suppose that M is an almost calibrated, exact, ancient solution of Lagrangian mean curvature flow in Cn. We show that if M has a blow-down given by the static union of two Lagrangian subspaces with distinct Lagrangian angles that intersect along a line, then M is a translator. In particular in C2, all zero-Maslov, exact, ancient solutions of Lagrangian mean curvature flow with entropy less than 3 are special Lagrangian, a union of planes, or translators.
- (with S.-K. Chiu)
Higher regularity for singular Kähler-Einstein metrics
[abstract] [pdf]
Duke Math. J. 172 (2023), no. 18, 3521–3558.
We study singular Kähler-Einstein metrics that are obtained as
non-collapsed limits of polarized Kähler-Einstein
manifolds. Our main result is that if the metric tangent cone at a
point is locally isomorphic to the germ of the singularity, then
the metric converges to the metric on its tangent cone at a
polynomial rate on the level of Kähler potentials. When the
tangent cone at the point has a smooth cross section, then the
result implies polynomial convergence of the metric in the usual
sense, generalizing a result due to Hein-Sun. We show that a
similar result holds even in certain cases where the tangent cone
is not locally isomorphic to the germ of the singularity. Finally
we prove a rigidity result for complete ∂∂-exact Calabi-Yau
metrics with maximal volume growth. This generalizes a result of
Conlon-Hein, which applies to the case of asymptotically conical
Minimal hypersurfaces with cylindrical tangent cones
[abstract] [pdf]
First we construct minimal hypersurfaces M⊂Rn+1 in a
neighborhood of the origin, with an isolated singularity but
cylindrical tangent cone C×R, for any strictly minimizing strictly
stable cone C in Rn. We show that many of these
hypersurfaces are area minimizing. Next, we prove a strong unique
continuation result for minimal hypersurfaces V with such a
cylindrical tangent cone, stating that if the blowups of V centered
at the origin approach C×R at infinite order, then V=C×R in a
neighborhood of the origin. Using this we show that for quadratic
cones C=C(Sp×Sq), in dimensions n>8, all
minimal hypersurfaces with tangent cone C×R at the origin are graphs
over one of the surfaces that we constructed. In particular such an
invariant minimal hypersurface is either equal to C×R or has an
isolated singularity at the origin.
Uniqueness of certain cylindrical tangent cones
[abstract] [pdf]
We show that the cylindrical tangent cone C×R for an area-minimizing
hypersurface is unique, where C is the Simons cone
CS=C(S3×S3). Previously Simon proved a uniqueness result for cylindrical tangent cones that applies to a large class of cones C, however not to the Simons cone. The main new difficulty is that the cylindrical cone CS×R is not integrable, and we need to develop a suitable replacement for Simon's infinite dimensional Lojasiewicz inequality in the setting of tangent cones with non-isolated singularities.
- (with B. Weinkove)
Weak Harnack inequalities for eigenvalues and constant
rank theorems
[abstract] [pdf]
Comm. Partial Differential Equations 46 (2021), no. 8,
We consider convex solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations which satisfy the structure condition of Bian-Guan. We prove a weak Harnack inequality for the eigenvalues of the Hessian of these solutions. This can be viewed as a quantitative version of the constant rank theorem.
(with J. Ross)
Twisted Kähler-Einstein metrics
[abstract] [pdf]
Pure Appl. Math. Q. 17 (2021), no. 3, 1025–1044.
We prove an existence result for twisted Kähler-Einstein metrics,
assuming an appropriate twisted K-stability condition. An improvement over
earlier results is that certain non-negative twisting forms are allowed
Uniqueness of some Calabi-Yau metrics on Cn
[abstract] [pdf]
Geom. Funct. Anal. 30 (2020), no. 4, 1152--1182.
We consider the Calabi-Yau metrics on Cn constructed recently by Yang Li, Conlon-Rochon, and the author, that have tangent cone C×A1 at infinity for the (n−1)-dimensional Stenzel cone A1. We show that up to scaling and isometry this Calabi-Yau metric on Cn is unique. We also discuss possible generalizations to other manifolds and tangent cones.
(with G. Liu)
Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kähler manifolds with
Ricci curvature bounded below, II
[abstract] [pdf]
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 74 (2021), no. 5, 909–931.
We study non-collapsed Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kähler
manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded below. Our main result is
that each tangent cone is homeomorphic to a normal affine
variety. This extends a result of Donaldson-Sun, who considered
non-collapsed limits of polarized Kähler manifolds with two-sided
Ricci curvature bounds.
(with G. Liu)
Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Kähler manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded below
[abstract] [pdf]
Geom. Funct. Anal. 32 (2022), no. 2, 236–279.
A fundamental result of Donaldson-Sun states that non-collapsed
Gromov-Hausdorff limits of polarized Kähler manifolds, with
2-sided Ricci curvature bounds, are normal projective varieties. We
extend their approach to the setting where only a lower bound for
the Ricci curvature is assumed. More precisely, we show that
non-collapsed Gromov-Hausdorff limits of polarized Kähler
manifolds, with Ricci curvature bounded below, are normal projective
varieties. In addition the metric singularities are precisely given
by a countable union of analytic subvarieties.
(with M. Gursky)
A local existence result for Poincaré-Einstein
[abstract] [pdf]
Adv. Math. 361 (2020), 106912, 50 pp.
Given a closed Riemannian manifold (M,gM) of dimension n
≥ 3, we prove the existence of a conformally compact Einstein
metric g+ defined on a collar neighborhood M x (0,1]
whose conformal infinity is [gM].
Kähler-Einstein metrics
[abstract] [pdf]
Proc. Sympos. Pure
Math., 99., 331--361
We survey the theory of Kähler-Einstein metrics, with particular
focus on the circle of ideas surrounding the Yau-Tian-Donaldson
conjecture for Fano manifolds.
Degenerations of Cn and Calabi-Yau metrics
[abstract] [pdf]
Duke Math. J. 168 (2019), no. 14, 2651--2700
We construct infinitely many complete Calabi-Yau metrics on
Cn for n≥3, with maximal volume growth, and singular
tangent cones at infinity. In addition we construct Calabi-Yau
metrics in neighborhoods of certain isolated singularities whose
tangent cones have singular cross section, generalizing work of
(with R. Dervan)
The Kähler-Ricci flow and optimal degenerations
[abstract] [pdf]
J. Differential Geom. 116 (2020), no. 1, 187–203.
We prove that on Fano manifolds, the Kähler-Ricci flow produces a
"most destabilising" special degeneration, with respect to a new
stability notion related to the H-functional. This answers questions
of Chen-Sun-Wang and He.
We give two applications of this result. Firstly, we give a purely
algebro-geometric formula for the supremum of Perelman's
μ-functional on Fano manifolds, resolving a conjecture of
Tian-Zhang-Zhang-Zhu as a special case. Secondly, we use this to
prove that if a Fano manifold admits a Kähler-Ricci soliton,
then the Kähler-Ricci flow converges to it modulo the action of
automorphisms, with any initial metric. This extends work of
Tian-Zhu and Tian-Zhang-Zhang-Zhu, where either the manifold was
assumed to admit a Kähler-Einstein metric, or the initial
metric of the flow was assumed to be invariant under a maximal
compact group of automorphism.
(with R. Seyyedali)
Extremal metrics on blowups along submanifolds
[abstract] [pdf]
J. Differential Geom. 114 (2020), no. 1, 171--192
We give conditions under which the blowup of an extremal Kähler
manifold along a submanifold of codimension greater than two admits
an extremal metric. This generalizes work of Arezzo-Pacard-Singer,
who considered blowups in points.
(with T. Collins)
Sasaki-Einstein metrics and K-stability
[abstract] [pdf]
Geom. Topol. 23 (2019), no. 3, 1339--1413.
We show that a polarized affine variety admits a Ricci flat Kähler cone metric, if it is K-stable. This generalizes Chen-Donaldson-Sun's solution of the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture to Kähler cones, or equivalently, Sasakian manifolds. As an application we show that the five-sphere admits infinitely many families of Sasaki-Einstein metrics.
(with B. Weinkove)
On a constant rank theorem for nonlinear elliptic PDEs
[abstract] [pdf]
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. A, 36 (2016) no. 11,
We give a new proof of Bian-Guan's constant rank theorem
for nonlinear elliptic equations. Our approach is to use a linear expression
of the eigenvalues of the Hessian instead of quotients of elementary
symmetric functions.
(with V. Datar)
Kähler-Einstein metrics along the smooth continuity
[abstract] [pdf]
Geom. Funct. Anal. 26 (2016) no. 4, 975--1010
We show that if a Fano manifold M is K-stable with respect to special
degenerations equivariant under a compact group of automorphisms, then M
admits a Kähler-Einstein metric. This is a strengthening of the solution of
the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for Fano manifolds by Chen-Donaldson-Sun, and
can be used to obtain new examples of Kähler-Einstein manifolds. We also give
analogous results for twisted Kähler-Einstein metrics and Kähler-Ricci
(with V. Tosatti, B. Weinkove)
Gauduchon metrics with prescribed volume form
[abstract] [pdf]
Acta Math. 219 (2017), no. 1, 181--211
We prove that on any compact complex manifold one can find Gauduchon metrics with prescribed volume form. This is equivalent to prescribing the Chern-Ricci curvature of the metrics, and thus solves a conjecture of Gauduchon from 1984.
Fully non-linear elliptic equations on compact Hermitian manifolds
[abstract] [pdf]
J. Differential Geom. 109 (2018), no. 2, 337--378
We derive a priori estimates for solutions of a general class of fully non-linear equations on compact Hermitian manifolds. Our method is based on ideas that have been used for different specific equations, such as the complex Monge-Ampère, Hessian and inverse Hessian equations. As an application we solve a class of Hessian quotient equations on Kähler manifolds assuming the existence of a suitable subsolution. The method also applies to analogous equations on compact Riemannian manifolds.
(with T. Collins)
Convergence of the J-flow on toric manifolds
[abstract] [pdf]
J. Differential Geom. 107 (2017) no. 1, 47--81
We show that on a Kahler manifold whether the J-flow converges or not is independent of the chosen background metric in its Kahler class. On toric manifolds we give a numerical characterization of when the J-flow converges, verifying a conjecture of Lejmi and the second author in this case. We also strengthen existing results on more general inverse sigma_k equations on Kahler manifolds.
Extremal Kähler metrics
[abstract] [pdf]
Proceedings of the ICM, 2014
This paper is a survey of some recent progress on the study of
Calabi's extremal Kähler metrics.
We first discuss the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture relating the
existence of extremal metrics to an algebro-geometric stability
notion and we give some example settings where this conjecture has
been established. We then turn to the question of what one expects
when no extremal metric exists.
The partial C0-estimate along the continuity
[abstract] [pdf]
J. Amer. Math. Soc. 29 (2016), 537--560
We prove that the partial C0-estimate holds for metrics along Aubin's continuity method for finding Kähler-Einstein metrics, confirming a special case of a conjecture due to Tian. We use the method developed in recent work of Chen-Donaldson-Sun on the analogous problem for conical Kähler-Einstein metrics.
(with M. Lejmi)
The J-flow and stability
[abstract] [pdf]
Adv. Math. 274 (2015), 404--431
We study the J-flow from the point of view of an algebro-geometric stability condition. In terms of this we give a lower bound for the natural associated energy functional, and we show that the blowup behavior found by Fang-Lai is reflected by the optimal destabilizer. Finally we prove a general existence result on complex tori.
Blowing up extremal Kähler manifolds II
[abstract] [pdf]
Invent. Math. 200 (2015), no. 3, 925--977
This is a continuation of the work of Arezzo-Pacard-Singer and the author on
blowups of extremal Kähler manifolds. We prove the conjecture stated in [32],
and we relate this result to the K-stability of blown up manifolds. As an
application we prove that if a Kähler manifold M of dimension greater than 2
admits a cscK metric, then the blowup of M at a point admits a cscK metric if
and only if it is K-stable, as long as the exceptional divisor is sufficiently
A remark on conical Kähler-Einstein metrics
[abstract] [pdf]
Math. Res. Lett. 20 (2013) n. 3., 581--590
We give some non-existence results for Kähler-Einstein metrics with conical singularities along a divisor on Fano manifolds. In particular we show that the maximal possible cone angle is in general smaller than the invariant R(M). We study this discrepancy from the point of view of log K-stability.
Remark on the Calabi flow with bounded curvature
[abstract] [pdf]
Univ. Iagel. Acta Math. 50 (2013), 107--115
In this short note we prove that if the curvature tensor is uniformly bounded along the Calabi flow and the Mabuchi energy is proper, then the flow converges to a constant scalar curvature metric.
(with T. Collins)
The twisted Kähler-Ricci flow
[abstract] [pdf]
J. Reine Angew. Math. 716 (2016), 179--205
In this paper we study a generalization of the Kähler-Ricci flow, in which the Ricci form is twisted by a closed, non-negative (1,1)-form. We show that when a twisted Kähler-Einstein metric exists, then this twisted flow converges exponentially. This generalizes a result of Perelman on the convergence of the Kähler-Ricci flow, and it builds on work of Tian-Zhu.
(with T. Collins)
K-Semistability for irregular Sasakian manifolds
[abstract] [pdf]
J. Differential Geom. 109 (2018), no. 1, 81--109
We introduce a notion of K-semistability for Sasakian manifolds. This extends to the irregular case the orbifold K-semistability of Ross-Thomas. Our main result is that a Sasakian manifold with constant scalar curvature is necessarily K-semistable. As an application, we show how one can recover the volume minimization results of Martelli-Sparks-Yau, and the Lichnerowicz obstruction of Gauntlett-Martelli-Sparks-Yau from this point of view.
Filtrations and test-configurations
[abstract] [pdf]
Math. Ann. 362 (2015), 451--484
We introduce a strengthening of K-stability, based on filtrations of the homogeneous coordinate ring. This allows for considering certain limits of families of test-configurations, which arise naturally in several settings. We make some progress towards proving that if a manifold with no automorphisms admits a cscK metric, then it satisfies this stronger stability notion. Finally we discuss the relation with the birational transformations in the definition of b-stability.
(with J. Song and B. Weinkove)
The Kähler-Ricci flow on projective bundles
[abstract] [pdf]
Int. Math. Res. Not. 2013, 243--257
We study the behaviour of the Kähler-Ricci flow on
projective bundles. We show that if the initial metric
is in a suitable Kähler class, then the fibers
collapse in finite time and the metrics converge
subsequentially in the Gromov-Hausdorff sense to a
metric on the base.
(with D. McFeron)
On the positive mass theorem for manifolds with corners
Comm. Math. Phys. 313 (2012), 425--443
We study the positive mass theorem for certain
non-smooth metrics following P. Miao's work. Our
approach is to smooth the metric using the Ricci flow.
As well as improving some previous results on the
behaviour of the ADM mass under the Ricci flow, we
extend the analysis of the zero mass case to higher
(with Renjie Feng)
Periodic solutions of Abreu's equation
Math. Res. Lett. 18 (2011) n. 6., 1271--1279
We solve Abreu's equation with periodic right hand side,
in any dimension. This can be interpreted as prescribing
the scalar curvature of a torus invariant metric on an
Abelian variety.
On blowing up extremal Kähler manifolds
Duke Math. J., 161 (2012) n. 8, 1411--1453
We show that the blowup of an extremal Kahler manifold
at a relatively stable point in the sense of GIT admits
an extremal metric in Kahler classes that make the
exceptional divisor sufficiently small, extending a
result of Arezzo-Pacard-Singer. We also study the
K-polystability of these blowups, sharpening a result of
Stoppa in this case. As an application we show that the
blowup of a Kahler-Einstein manifold at a point admits a
constant scalar curvature Kahler metric in classes that
make the exceptional divisor small, if it is
K-polystable with respect to these classes.
(with J. Stoppa)
Relative K-stability of extremal metrics
J. Eur. Math. Soc. 13 (2011) n. 4, 899--909
We show that if a polarised manifold admits an extremal
metric then it is K-polystable relative to a maximal
torus of automorphisms.
(with V. Tosatti)
Regularity of weak solutions of a complex Monge-Ampère equation
Analysis & PDE 4 (2011), n. 3, 369--378
We prove the smoothness of weak solutions to an elliptic complex Monge-Ampère
equation, using the smoothing property of the corresponding parabolic flow.
(with O. Munteanu)
On convergence of the Kähler-Ricci flow
Comm. Anal. Geom. 19 (2011), n. 5, 887--904
We study the convergence of the Kähler-Ricci flow on a Fano
manifold under some stability conditions. More precisely we
assume that the first eingenvalue of the $\bar\partial$-operator
acting on vector fields is uniformly bounded along the flow, and
in addition the Mabuchi energy decays at most logarithmically.
We then give different situations in which the condition on the
Mabuchi energy holds.
Greatest lower bounds on the Ricci curvature of Fano
Compositio Math. 147 (2011), 319--331
On a Fano manifold M we study the supremum of the possible t such that
there is a Kähler metric in c_1(M) with Ricci curvature bounded below
by t. This is shown to be the same as the maximum existence time of
Aubin's continuity path for finding Kähler-Einstein metrics. We show
that on P^2 blown up in one point this supremum is 6/7, and we give
upper bounds for other manifolds.
The Kähler-Ricci flow and K-polystability
Amer. J. Math. 132 (2010), 1077--1090
We consider the Kähler-Ricci flow on a Fano manifold. We show that if the
curvature remains uniformly bounded along the flow, the Mabuchi energy is
bounded below, and the manifold is K-polystable, then the manifold admits a
Kähler-Einstein metric. The main ingredient is a result that says that a
sufficiently small perturbation of a cscK manifold admits a cscK metric if it is
The Calabi functional on a ruled surface
Ann. Sci. Éc. Norm. Supér. 42 (2009), 837--856
We study the Calabi functional on a ruled surface over a genus two curve.
For polarisations which do not admit an extremal metric we describe the
behaviour of a minimising sequence splitting the manifold into pieces. We also
show that the Calabi flow starting from a metric with suitable symmetry gives
such a minimising sequence.
Optimal test-configurations for toric varieties
J. Differential Geom. 80 (2008), 501--523
On a K-unstable toric variety we show the existence of an optimal destabilising
convex function. We show that if this is piecewise linear then it gives rise to
a decomposition into semistable pieces analogous to the Harder-Narasimhan
filtration of an unstable vector bundle. We also show that if the Calabi flow
exists for all time on a toric variety then it minimises the Calabi functional.
In this case the infimum of the Calabi functional is given by the supremum of
the normalised Futaki invariants over all destabilising test-configurations, as
predicted by a conjecture of Donaldson.
Extremal metrics and K-stability
Bull. London Math. Soc. 39 (2007), 76--84
We propose an algebraic geometric stability criterion for
a polarised variety to admit an extremal Kähler metric. This generalises
conjectures by Yau, Tian and Donaldson which relate to the case of
Kähler-Einstein and constant scalar curvature metrics.
We give a result in geometric invariant theory
that motivates this conjecture, and an
example computation that supports it.
- (with M. Laczkovich)
Harmonic analysis on discrete Abelian groups
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 133 (2005), 1581--1586
Let G be an Abelian group and let C^G denote
the linear space of all complex-valued functions defined on G equipped
with the product topology. We prove that the following are equivalent.
(i) Every nonzero translation invariant closed subspace of C^G contains
an exponential; that is, a nonzero multiplicative function.
(ii) The torsion free rank of G is less than the continuum.
Introduction to Extremal Kähler Metrics,
Graduate Studies in Mathematics, AMS
The title of my PhD thesis is
Extremal metrics and
supervised by Simon Donaldson.
In this thesis we study the relationship between the existence of
canonical metrics on a complex manifold and stability in the sense of
geometric invariant theory. We introduce a modification of K-stability
of a polarised variety
which we conjecture to be equivalent to the existence of an extremal
metric in the polarisation class.
A variant for a complete extremal metric on the complement of a
smooth divisor is also given. On toric surfaces we prove a
Jordan-Hölder type theorem for decomposing
semistable surfaces into stable pieces.
On a ruled surface we compute the infimum of the
Calabi functional for the unstable polarisations, exhibiting a
decomposition analogous to the Harder-Narasimhan filtration of an
unstable vector bundle.